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 [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia"

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Vagabond sédentaire
Vagabond sédentaire

Féminin Date d'inscription : 04/07/2010
Localisation : In the company of imaginary friends
Humeur : Feel it.

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyDim 9 Jan 2011 - 23:00

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Whocontrols

Another week had passed. One week with the same routine, the same modified truth, the same dirt, the same nightmare.
This Sunday morning, your day off, like every Sunday, you gathered in a small room above the Chestnut Tree Café in order to discuss your plans for the following actions. Your leader, Arthur, arrived late. He quickly looked at the people present, and found that 2 of you were missing. Worried, he started inspecting the room for cameras or microphones. If your secret place had been discovered, you were all dead.
Finally, the door opened quietly and Till Gray entered the room.
Someone was still missing.

Maléfique was arrested by the Thought Police and sent to room 101 during the night.
Maléfique was Leonora Davids.


You have until January 11th, 11PM to vote.
Reminder: you must vote in this topic, in a distinct color. Edited votes will not be taken into account.

The RP is here to settle the atmosphere of the game. It provides no clues on the players' roles.
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Barbier mal rasé
Barbier mal rasé

Masculin Date d'inscription : 22/07/2009
Humeur : [tu kite e tɔ̃be amuʁø]

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyDim 9 Jan 2011 - 23:23

Thanks werewolves!! ^^
Maléfique had "chosen me to help him undermine the Regime throught the actions of the Brotherhood". Whatever, he's dead.

I would like to thank you for the election.
I hope Till Gray will take part today.
Christ, I will keep in mind your last sentence which has a double meaning ("Or maybe in this one, we never know what could happen."). Nxou, you trust people easily. Jonya, you said you had a weird feeling about some of us: could you be more precise?
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Paysan distingué
Paysan distingué

Masculin Date d'inscription : 27/08/2010
Localisation : Québec
Humeur : GrosFaSol

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 1:25

Well first Arthur, the sentence was just a joke. I would never do that sentence if I was a member of the thought police. That was just a joke and there is no double meaning in that sentence. But I don't exaclty understand why you thank the Werewolves. Of Course Malefique was not as good for the village as a Simple opponent, but it is a lost for us to lose him at the very begining of the game. You look a little bit too happy I think. I'll keep an eye on you.
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Ancien immature
Ancien immature

Masculin Date d'inscription : 18/02/2010

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 2:09

Christ a écrit:
But I don't exaclty understand why you thank the Werewolves. Of Course Malefique was not as good for the village as a Simple opponent, but it is a lost for us to lose him at the very begining of the game. You look a little bit too happy I think. I'll keep an eye on you.

Arthur is right, thanks to the wolves! The spy is an enemy of the village, no matter what. He's against everyone. Could you please tell me why it's a lost for us?
I hope you have some good reasons.
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Paysan distingué
Paysan distingué

Masculin Date d'inscription : 27/08/2010
Localisation : Québec
Humeur : GrosFaSol

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 2:32

The Spy is a very bad ennemy for the werewolves. For the village, it is , but only at the end of the game. The spy looks for the werewolves as we do, just not for the same reasons. So I don't understand why you thank them. It's not a big big lost, but it is.
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Ancien immature
Ancien immature

Masculin Date d'inscription : 18/02/2010

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 2:34

It's not a lost at all. He's just a pain for us. Now that he's out, we just have to focus on the wolves.
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Paysan distingué
Paysan distingué

Masculin Date d'inscription : 27/08/2010
Localisation : Québec
Humeur : GrosFaSol

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 2:42

I agree it's not a big lost, but he would have helped us to find the wolves. Now he cannot. So I don't know why both of you thank them as you do. However, Does anyone have a supposition on the reason of the death of Maléfique?
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Ancien immature
Ancien immature

Masculin Date d'inscription : 18/02/2010

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 2:49

Maybe because he's a good and dangerous person for the wolves? Because I don't think that they killed someone randomly.
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Paysan distingué
Paysan distingué

Masculin Date d'inscription : 27/08/2010
Localisation : Québec
Humeur : GrosFaSol

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 2:54

Well, it would not be really fair-play to do that. But it is a possibility. Maybe it is that, but I don't think it is the real reason. You know, it was only the first night, even a very good player is not a very big probleme in the first day. It is almost always only feelings and stuff like that. No, I think it is something else, but I cannot see what
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Voleur honnête
Voleur honnête

Masculin Date d'inscription : 18/03/2010
Localisation : Bruxelles
Humeur : mort-vivant

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 7:43

Hello Brotherhood of (wo)men jap

Congrats to (King) Arthur cheer

I'd say it's good news that the spy is gone. I understand Arthur and Toyoraura's reaction.

So why Maléfique ?
1) to drive suspicions to Mr. Toyoraura of course
2) random

@ Christ : of course te spy can join the village to fight the werewolves but village people ( love ) also ! Do you think it's better to lose a villager than the spy ? I think Maléfique was the best victim to be chosen.

Morgan à Sylph a écrit:
And why do you have a bad feeling ? Are you a wolf that chose a random target ?
Do you really think werewolves chose a random target the 1st day of the adventure ?

Frage a écrit:
Hi Brotherhood! Hi Sisterhood who should be the counter-part because equality is part of freedom...
What a cautious way of talking.

Frage a écrit:
I don't like how Sylph and Morgan are already supscicious of each other so early in the game..."friendly" greetings or do you already have something to be supscicious of? Unless you're both on the same team and the rest of us don't know it yet? That sure is weird even voted for the same person...
I don't get the point. You think Sylph and Morgan are both suspicious because they have suspicions about each other and because they vote for the same candidate ? Like they pretend to seek ennemies but secretly share the same (evil) interest ?

Nxou a écrit:
Thanks for the support Frage. It's good to have someone to put some trust in.
So you trust Frage only because he's supporting you ? hein

fiyatlar a écrit:
After this first day of election and after watching at all the presentations, my vote will go to Nxou, because it's his presentation I have preferred. It's just as simple as that.
You voted for Nxou after what he said to Frage ? Did you read the electoral debates ? I think your choice is pretty strange. Suspect

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Villageois sanguinaire
Villageois sanguinaire

Masculin Date d'inscription : 29/12/2010
Localisation : Roubaix

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 12:28

Ongena a écrit:

fiyatlar a écrit:
After this first day of election and after watching at all the presentations, my vote will go to Nxou, because it's his presentation I have preferred. It's just as simple as that.
You voted for Nxou after what he said to Frage ? Did you read the electoral debates ? I think your choice is pretty strange. Suspect

Yes I read all the electoral debates, off course I did. I voted for him because I thought and I still think he had the best proposition. Arthur wanted to be head of the B because he has "a certain critical and inquiring mind" and Toyoraura because he has "the head for". Nxou talked about responsibility, burden, experience and even expected some mistakes... So objectively, yes I think he was the best.

When he gave his trust to Frage, I thought he was a little bit soon too but I didn't think it was suspect: I thought it was naive... So is being naive can be judged as being suspect??? tete maybe, but still I think he had the best proposition...

@Christ: Are you sure you already played werewolves??? If I didn't know the answer, i would say no: the spy does not want to help the opponant by killing the wolves, like he doesn't want to help the wolves to kill the opponant: he wants to help himself by killing those he didn't recruit...
So yes we can say thanks to the wolves: Maléfique was the best victim for helping us...
I think a player that plays for a long time and does not notice that is pretty strange... Suspect
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Corbeau philanthrope
Corbeau philanthrope

Masculin Date d'inscription : 19/04/2010
Humeur : looking for salvation

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 15:11

I can understand the thought of Christ who got in mind that the spy helps villagers in any case against the Thought Police, but I think he did not take in consideration the fact that if it was not the spy it was an innocent. Maybe some mistake due to the usual way of considering independent in werewolves games.

ongena a écrit:
So why Maléfique ?
1) to drive suspicions to Mr. Toyoraura of course
2) random
So you directly put random in second place despite the fact there could be dozen of other 'possible' possibilities ?

I have no doubt myself that it could be a random choice that chosen Maléfique, because it's unusual to always target the same people(and I'm in the same case as him), but you put it(the random) so easily(which will never be my first action of the day) that It seems it has really happened and the fact you know that means you are part of the thought police, or very smart. Probabilities goes for the first option of course.

ongena a écrit:
I think Maléfique was the best victim to be chosen.
If you wanted to be suspected that was a great sentence you wrote here....
ongena a écrit:

Do you really think werewolves chose a random target the 1st day of the adventure ?
We find again the random fact in your speech, you definitely seems very well informed to affirm this.

ongena regarding frage a écrit:
You think Sylph and Morgan are both suspicious because they have suspicions about each other and because they vote for the same candidate ? Like they pretend to seek ennemies but secretly share the same (evil) interest ?
I think that is something that can be highlighted for a moment, it's no more stupid than anything else.

ongena a écrit:
Nxou a écrit:
Thanks for the support Frage. It's good to have someone to put some trust in.
So you trust Frage only because he's supporting you ? hein
Well I think that if everyone put trust in everyone, the objective of the Thought Police will be impossible to get, and they'll finish to break the trust process and end-up being .. I don't know what, what do we do to the people whom we suspect ? we burn them ?

Nothing wrong, but we can consider this as naïve whatever it will not change my choice for the moment.
Despite that the fact to use naïve means you would disagree with me if you were in the same case than me Frage ... so you would suspect yourself as an enemy ? did your subconscious mind talked to us ? Very Happy

Very nice post of fiyaltar, the best way to not suspect or defend anyone. I think that is a bit too early to suspect him for this in any case.

End of the transmission. nxou
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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Masculin Date d'inscription : 26/10/2010
Localisation : <3
Humeur : <3

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 17:42

Sylph First of all, I shall say that I agree with Arthur, thank you dear wolves !!
To answer you Christ, of course he was not an ennemy ONLY for the BrotherHood, but ALSO for the wolves. The only bad point is that :
First, unlike a traitor couple, he can't really find the wolves more than we do. Hence, he is not SO useful.
Second, we have to eliminate him one day or another. And when it comes to look for the Spy, we HAVE to forget about the wolves. And THAT'S dangerous for us.... Unless it pleases you... to be ignored while we all look for the Spy... Christ ?

Sylph About the choice of the victim.
The idea of a random choice doesn't please me : Maléfique IS DEFINITELY a good player, and that is far enough a good reason !

What scares me is the fact that he was weird on the first day. I was about to ask him questions on reasons why he was so untalkative. He only made posts with one or two sentences. Nothing else. That sounds quite particular, especially when you know that he can do so much more (he plays on T1). Me as a wolf, I wouldn't have chosen him for he would have been such a good target today. Hence, I wanna say, thanks you wolves (again) : you killed an ennemy of the village AND you made the debate easier ! Wink

Conclusion : wolves had reason to kill Maléfique (he was weird), but they made such a great mistake by killing him right now... (at least for the rest of us : it is an advantage! Very Happy)

Sylph Ongena :

Ongena a écrit:
1) to drive suspicions to Mr. Toyoraura of course
2) random
If I can't believe in your second option, I might say I don't understand the first one. I haven't been reading the debate, but could Toyoraura's interaction with Maléfique be the source of a murder ? Is that all you could find ? What are your conclusion about Toyo ? Does it make him more or less innocent ?
Nevertheless, I can see that when you answer Morgan, you clearly say that you don't believe either in a random murder. Nice, but I'll tell you what I think about the way you say it. Goes to the Nxou paragraph. Wink

Sylph To explain you (Ongena) what I could understand about frage's quotation, I believe that she finds too much links between Morgan and I. Let me explain what she could think : "they seem to be opposite and to suspect one another, nevertheless, they both vote for the same person. I believe that it undermeans they are both wolves that tries to put some distance between themselves. We could even imagine a third wolf in the person of our new chief, who they voted for..... despite their suspicion.... ?"
Am I right, Frage ?

Well that's the only thing I could understand. And actually it's wrong. Or maybe Arhtur and Morgan are wolves, but I'm not. My vote wasn't influenced anyhow by anyone. I already explain why I thought Arthur would be a good choice. I can even say that I voted first !! (I know, it sounds a bit childish ^^)

Sylph To continue and answer to Fiyaltar's post, I'd say that YES, being Naive can be suspicious. You can easily understand that a wolf could play the innocent and naive person in order to convince someone to follow him, or at least not to vote against him. It can be some sort of manipulation, which is typically a wolf behavior... Seriously, have you ever seen someone being so naive ? There gotta be something behind all this. But what ?

Sylph Nxou, I shall say that I really like the way you see things about Ongena. That is so EXACTLY what I was going to say. Especially when he makes some critics about what Frage said. I agree with you when you say that what she says could make sense.... (If I didn't know it was false.)

Sylph For the moment, I don't really have anything special to say. I'll try to publish an "innocent/guilty" list later. I have to read again what happened during the election. I'm quite upset by what Ongena said about Toyoraura.
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Salvateur assassin
Salvateur assassin

Masculin Date d'inscription : 28/07/2010
Localisation : Lausanne

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 19:41

Hello Wink !

I find nxou exaggerates when he reproaches Ongena to talk fast about random. Like Ongena, I think it is a possibility that is not insignificant, despite I think Maléfique has been choosen for a precise reason.
And I find a bit strange that nxou speaks almost only about Ongena.

Sylph, what do you want to speak in the first day about ?
I understand that Maléfique didn't speak a lot, like most of us, because we just have nothing to say.

Ongena a écrit:
Do you really think werewolves chose a random target the 1st day of the adventure ?
I don't know.
I said that because I really don't understand why Sylph had focused on me.

I noticed the way that Sylph agrees totally with nxou about Ongena, just as if he wanted to sink Ongena. I know that if you were wolves together you wouldn't be so indiscreet but i find it a bit strange.

I still don't have true bad/good feelings about people, so I will wait a bit to tell you my feelings until I have a more precise idea about each of us and until everyone speaks.

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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Féminin Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010
Localisation : Lyon
Humeur : De retour après 4-5 ans d'absence ? Feels weird..

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 19:46

Hi dear Village!
First of all, I'd like to thank the wolves too for Malefique, who was indeed a good target as it was an ennemy for the village, even if for the wolves it would have been better to "keep him for later".
Anyway let's drive back to the debate. THE question of every first day : Why Maléfique?
I'd say
- because he's a good player, so a danger for the wolves ?
- because of some affinities or not?
- randomly ?

Ongena, a few points that I'd like you to light please:
Citation :
1) to drive suspicions to Mr. Toyoraura of course
-> Why? I mean did they have a special fight that I haven't noticed? And could the wolves be wicked enough to think about a little fight to think that it will drive the suspicions on Toyoraura?
-> then you jumped on the conclusion that the murder of this night might be random... When it deals with Maléfique, the random choice is rarely the wisest one.

About Slyph and Morgan's attitude, I don't think Slyph's attitude is very useful, as we don't always have to refer to other games that we played, at least not at the very first day. It looked a bit like Slyph wanted to find someone to blame immediatly. But as he stopped his insinuations about Morgan's role, maybe he realized he was going to fast? Slyph I wouldn't mind an answer .

Dear Captain, here I come to answer your question: What about those little suspicions that I already had yesterday?
-> Well I just felt that in the tiny and unique post of Malefique something sounded weird, as he usually talks more than that even if it's to say nothing ^^, or just notice people's attitude, or make little jokes about Belgium Laughing He really seemed cold, distant.
I wanted to ask him some little questions about this attitude, but the wolves got me that possibility off.

I think it's all for the moment Smile
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Corbeau philanthrope
Corbeau philanthrope

Masculin Date d'inscription : 19/04/2010
Humeur : looking for salvation

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 21:02

I just commented the strange feelings I got reading ongena's post, that's why I speaked a lot about him.

Strange feeling too about the last sentences of jonya, like she found Maléfique strange yesterday and so decided to kill him, and now she do not regret her choice, and enjoy it.
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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Féminin Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010
Localisation : Lyon
Humeur : De retour après 4-5 ans d'absence ? Feels weird..

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 21:17

Citation :
Strange feeling too about the last sentences of jonya, like she found Maléfique strange yesterday and so decided to kill him, and now she do not regret her choice, and enjoy it.
It's exactly the contrary, as I'm frustrated not to have been able to ask him my questions and understand what was going on with him.
And then in this case say the same thing to Slyph, as he said he also wanted to talk to Malé.
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Barbier mal rasé
Barbier mal rasé

Masculin Date d'inscription : 22/07/2009
Humeur : [tu kite e tɔ̃be amuʁø]

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 21:38

According to me, Maléfique is dead because of his skills in the game. It could have been influenced by his strange way to act (he didn't write a lot contrary to his habits).

I keep an eye on Toyoraura and Nxou : without a clairvoyant, werewolves should want to have the role of Chief (double vote, and you're only twelve). I'm surprised no one has evoked this case yet. I know it makes me a suspect, but I precisely present myself to evoid this. Between both of them, Nxou is the most suspicious to me.

Right now, if I have to vote against someone, it will be against Christ. I'm not really satisfied of his anwers. I will read and write again tomorrow (I'm in Paris, and I'm not always on internet).

Till Gray didn't speak again today, but he might be replaced (I replace him on "partie 81").

I have a positive feeling on Sylph, especially because he proposes to publish later an "innocent/guilty" list, and I like this kind of list ^^ I'll try to do the same tomorrow. It's in some case very revealing.
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Villageois sanguinaire
Villageois sanguinaire

Masculin Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Humeur : Chuis mort(e). Bwahahahahaha.

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 21:44

Well I'm pretty happy with the outcome of the night. At least, that's one good deed. We have one thing less to worry about, as we can't win if we didn't get rid of him.

Well, on to business:

Ongena a écrit:
Frage a écrit:
Hi Brotherhood! Hi Sisterhood who should be the counter-part because equality is part of freedom...

What a cautious way of talking.

Well, I am a feminist. But I do admit that it was quite pointless in itself and probably out of context.^^

Ongena a écrit:
I don't get the point. You think Sylph and Morgan are both suspicious because they have suspicions about each other and because they vote for the same candidate ? Like they pretend to seek ennemies but secretly share the same (evil) interest ?

Well I just found strange that they were already attacking each other the day of the election. It was the first day and nothing happened yet. I think they may be in cahoots together, but it's not like I strongly believe it.

They voted for the same person, yet seem to find each other supscicious. If you suspect someone and that person vote for a candidate, I think you would hesitate to vote for the same candidate...wouldn't you think that the candidate would be suspect as well?

For exemple, I think someone may very well be a wolf. I think so the day of the elections and I see him vote for a candidate. I sure wouldn't vote for the same candidate, who knows why the person who may be a wolf voted for him? Okay, he may be innocent, but he may be a wolf too...

But it's just my opinion.

Sylph a écrit:
To explain you (Ongena) what I could understand about frage's quotation, I believe that she finds too much links between Morgan and I. Let me explain what she could think : "they seem to be opposite and to suspect one another, nevertheless, they both vote for the same person. I believe that it undermeans they are both wolves that tries to put some distance between themselves. We could even imagine a third wolf in the person of our new chief, who they voted for..... despite their suspicion.... ?"
Am I right, Frage ?

Well, you summed it up well.^^ Though I do not really believe in it (too showy in my opinion...but...maybe?), but I do think strange that you were already attacking Morgan the day of the election, when nothing happened yet. And in such a direct way.

Your attack seems weird to me.

But Morgan's vote for Arthur seems off too.

If I may ask, why did you attack Arthur that day?

Sylph a écrit:
Well that's the only thing I could understand. And actually it's wrong. Or maybe Arhtur and Morgan are wolves, but I'm not. My vote wasn't influenced anyhow by anyone. I already explain why I thought Arthur would be a good choice. I can even say that I voted first !! (I know, it sounds a bit childish ^^)

Well, that was the obvious thing to say.^^ But how can I know that you did not talk about that with Morgan before the election itself? Yeah, I know I can't have any proof one way or the other...And even if your vote does not seem weird to me, your attack is. (So soon?) And Morgan's vote for Arthur is, even if his answer is normal.

Ongena, I don't see the connection between Maléfique and Toyoraura?

Nxou, I don't understand why you trust me when I'm not exactly sure about you yet?

Arthur a écrit:
(double vote, and you're only twelve)

How strange..."you" Arthur? Aren't you one of us? If it was so, shouldn't you use "we"?

Mistake or...slip of the tongue?^^
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Barbier mal rasé
Barbier mal rasé

Masculin Date d'inscription : 22/07/2009
Humeur : [tu kite e tɔ̃be amuʁø]

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 22:00

Frage a écrit:

Arthur a écrit:
(double vote, and you're only twelve)

How strange..."you" Arthur? Aren't you one of us? If it was so, shouldn't you use "we"?

Mistake or...slip of the tongue?^^

Yes, sorry, "we are twelve", actually eleven with Maléfique's death. Mistake due to tiredness and english language --'
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Villageois sanguinaire
Villageois sanguinaire

Masculin Date d'inscription : 29/12/2010
Localisation : Roubaix

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 23:06

Ongena a écrit:

So why Maléfique ?
1) to drive suspicions to Mr. Toyoraura of course
2) random

Morgan à Sylph a écrit:
And why do you have a bad feeling ? Are you a wolf that chose a random target ?
Do you really think werewolves chose a random target the 1st day of the adventure ?

I see something strange here Ongena: in your question, it seems that you don't believe in the fact that wolves chose a random target ( your "do you really think"). So according to you, wolves didn't chose their victim that way.
But you include the random thing in you two hypothesis. Isn't that a little bit contradictory??? tete

Or you really think wolves may had chosen their victim randomly and you had difficulty in writing the question you ask to Morgan.

Anyway I think it's strange to write something and its total opposite just a few lines later in the same post...
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Corbeau philanthrope
Corbeau philanthrope

Masculin Date d'inscription : 19/04/2010
Humeur : looking for salvation

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyLun 10 Jan 2011 - 23:23

Arthur a écrit:
According to me, Maléfique is dead because of his skills in the game. It could have been influenced by his strange way to act (he didn't write a lot contrary to his habits).

I keep an eye on Toyoraura and Nxou : without a clairvoyant, werewolves should want to have the role of Chief Between both of them, Nxou is the most suspicious to me.

I have a positive feeling on Sylph, especially because he proposes to publish later an "innocent/guilty" list, and I like this kind of list ^^ I'll try to do the same tomorrow. It's in some case very revealing.
I doesn't make a judgement on something that ordinary than an innocent/guilty list .. you say it's a reason to put trust in ?

I note that after Maléfique you starts to attack the ones that can be a hassle for you. I think it's a bit early, plus I presented myself to be in the ones postulating so I have one innocent for sure in the ones who candidates for the Brotherhood.

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Voleur honnête
Voleur honnête

Masculin Date d'inscription : 18/03/2010
Localisation : Bruxelles
Humeur : mort-vivant

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 16:42

Of course, the wolves may have killed Maléfique because he's a good player. But he's not the only one ! So why him especially ?
Either you think all the wolves are good players and have killed Maléfique, the only good player who's not a wolf or you have to explain me why Maléfique especially.

So, people (Sylph, Arthur) who think that Malféique has been killed because he's a good player automatically think that all the good players are wolves.

I think Maléfique could have been killed because he voted for Toyoraura (with Christ). It is a way to restrict suspicions to 1 or 2 players (Toyoraura and maybe Christ).

Sylph : in fact, witth my theory, Toyoraura is clearly innocent. But it's only a theory so I didn't mention it.
And which attack against Frage didn't you like ? Because I persist in what I said to him.
I don't like the way you support Nxou's attack against me...

Nxou : I clearly said that I don't think Maléfique was a random choice but it is a possibility, reason why I put it in second position. Don't try to make me say what you want me to say : I never said that I thought it was a random victim (even if it is a possibility).

Jonya a écrit:
When it deals with Maléfique, the random choice is rarely the wisest one.
Random means random. Maléfique can be randomized like anybody.

Frage : I can not tell exactly why but I don't like your post. Too cautious maybe.

Fiyatlar : I asked the question to Morgan to see his reaction. It wasn't a real attack. But it's true that I don't believe in random theory (although it is possible).

My first suspects : Frage and Sylph.
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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Féminin Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010
Localisation : Lyon
Humeur : De retour après 4-5 ans d'absence ? Feels weird..

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 18:05

Citation :
I think Maléfique could have been killed because he voted for Toyoraura
-> I still hardly understand the "potential" reason you mentionned about Maléfique, saying that he was killed because he voted for Toyoraura.... Since when people are killed by wolves just because of a vote??! Excuse me but or I am totally dumb, or you're trying to create a theory to explain Maléfique's death, a quite nonsense one (to me)... That's more than weird...

Citation :
Of course, the wolves may have killed Maléfique because he's a good player. But he's not the only one !
-> Sure, like who's on your mind?

Frage, to Slyph:
Citation :
If I may ask, why did you attack Arthur that day?
-> ? Did anyone attacked Arthur that day?

Citation :
But how can I know that you did not talk about that with Morgan before the election itself?
-> Did the wolves knew each other before the election or not?

Citation :
So according to you (Ongena), wolves didn't chose their victim that way.
But you include the random thing in you two hypothesis. Isn't that a little bit contradictory???
-> I couldn't agree more... this sums up what I think.

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Corbeau philanthrope
Corbeau philanthrope

Masculin Date d'inscription : 19/04/2010
Humeur : looking for salvation

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 19:12

A lot of people did not talk...

Suspect List
Ongena whom I vote against

Until other persons speak, you're the least reliable person in those who spoke, for me, that doesn't means I got a grief against you or that I'm an evil person. I just try to pull a bit the debate, because it's too restrictive.
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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Féminin Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010
Localisation : Lyon
Humeur : De retour après 4-5 ans d'absence ? Feels weird..

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 20:01

As Nxou said, the debate is not leading us anywhere, no one really participates...
Please Brothers and Sisters, come on, help us all deal with those miserable wolves!
We need all of you to bring this debate to our victory! (Héhé I'm kindda doing the mayor's role^^)
No seriously..

Anyway, for the moment (I can't call anyone "suspects"), I have doubts about Ongena and Frage. It's sad to know that only a few of us participated, that would have opened the debates so much more... When I say Ongena or Frage, it's because of what I said in my previous post, they gave me weird feelings. In fact Frage not that much, I'm still wating for his answers that will help me choose between those two "suspects". Ongena 'same thing. If only I could have answers to my questions...
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Villageois sanguinaire
Villageois sanguinaire

Masculin Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Humeur : Chuis mort(e). Bwahahahahaha.

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 20:20

Ongena a écrit:
And which attack against Frage didn't you like ? Because I persist in what I said to him.
I don't like the way you support Nxou's attack against me...

I may have missed something...but you persist in what?

What exacty did you say to me that you have to persist in?

Because your first post was this:

Citation :

Frage a écrit:
Hi Brotherhood! Hi Sisterhood who should be the counter-part because equality is part of freedom...

What a cautious way of talking.

Frage a écrit:
I don't like how Sylph and Morgan are already supscicious of each other so early in the game..."friendly" greetings or do you already have something to be supscicious of? Unless you're both on the same team and the rest of us don't know it yet? That sure is weird even voted for the same person...

I don't get the point. You think Sylph and Morgan are both suspicious because they have suspicions about each other and because they vote for the same candidate ? Like they pretend to seek ennemies but secretly share the same (evil) interest ?

You commented on a quote and you asked me about what I said the other day? What could you persist on?

Citation :
]Frage : I can not tell exactly why but I don't like your post. Too cautious maybe.

Well...if you're talking about the Brotherhood/Sisterhood thing, I was joking and did not think it someone would take it any other way. I was just being a feminist.

Yet, being a feminist or not is pretty irrelevant, so...I don't think it does matter much here...does it?

If you're talking about the entire post in itself, I don't think I was particulary cautious or careless.

Citation :
b]Frage, to Slyph:[/b]
If I may ask, why did you attack Arthur that day?

-> ? Did anyone attacked Arthur that day?

Sorry, my mistake, I meant Morgan, as a continuation of my previous theory. Because they both voted for Arthur, but Sylph attacked Morgan.

I'll come back later.
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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Masculin Date d'inscription : 26/10/2010
Localisation : <3
Humeur : <3

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 20:31

Ok, many interesting answers has been given during my absence. I'll make an answer as complete as I can, and then I'll give my suspect list. =)

Morgan a écrit:
Sylph, what do you want to speak in the first day about ?
I understand that Maléfique didn't speak a lot, like most of us, because we just have nothing to say.
Make it simple. Juste READ all of Maléfique's post in a row, without paying attention to other people's post. Do it with every player. Don't you think Maléfique appears as someone quite... WEIRD ? He was one of the players who caught my attention. And appearently so did he with the wolves'..... xD

Morgan a écrit:
I noticed the way that Sylph agrees totally with nxou about Ongena, just as if he wanted to sink Ongena. I know that if you were wolves together you wouldn't be so indiscreet but i find it a bit strange.

By the way, I was NOT trying to sink Ongena. I was just saying things way I thought they were. Or at least should I say that Nxou did it for me. (thank you dear Nxou)And I can tell you that I'm not wolf with Ongena since I'm not a wolf myself. In fact, I don't have any link with him except that we are both stucked in this cursed village. Nothing different than links between you and I.

I have a question for you Morgan. Despite I've been charging on you at the first day and despite the fact you find me a bit strange with ongena, you still don't have any true feeling about me ? That sounds quite strange to me. Anything to answer ?

Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph

To answer you, my action on the first day was purely strategic. As you may have noticed, we don't always have many things to say on the first day of debate. Hence, I'm trying to provoc reaction. That was mainly all.
In fact I wasn't really thinking about Morgan as a wolf. If I wanted to blame him as you said, I would have continued on today's debate. What I notice is that he doesn't react massively to what I told him. That's typically the kind of thing we should always look for in order to find the wolves or to unerstand some roles and know what to do. At least, that's how I work when it comes to look for wolves.

Do you need any other explanations ?

Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph

Sylph NXOU :
One things perturbates me. Why do you reproach Jonya with something I said first ? What do you think about me ? About Jonya ? Differences between her and I ? Or not ? Actually, I understand her on that point and I can't follow you (even if it's not the first time...... So I won't mind xD)

Nxou, later in the game, a écrit:
I doesn't make a judgement on something that ordinary than an innocent/guilty list .. you say it's a reason to put trust in ?
I believe it does make things easier for me to see someone releasing such a list. I mean, if he's a wolf, he will surely try to avoid publishing such a list... It could give too many informations about the others wolves. Whereas, when you are on the village's side, there is no risk for you doing this (unless you are a specific rôle... but still....). I mean, it's a clear way to leave clues behind you once you are dead. You have nothin to fear technically...

Don't you ? Wink

Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph


Okay, happy to see that for once I understood someone before he could explain himself !! xD Hope my explanation made it clear for you. In fact, behind all I said to Morgan, there is nothin else but a need of reaction. I must say I'm quite satisfied. =)

(You said I attacked Arthur ? Did you mean Morgan ? Coz' I don't remember attacking ou chief at any moment. I find him pretty active and by the way,I have a good feeling on him. xD)

Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph


WHY can't you ever develop your theories ?! It becomes quite annoying ! XD

I still haven't caught why toyoraura is supposedly innocent or guilty because of Toyo's death. Can you make quotations and clear explanations ? PLEASE ?

Same thing for when you say « if you think that Maléfique is a good player, then all the good players are wolves ». It doesn't MAKE any sense. He's a good player, and he wasn't a wolf, he was a spy. He's a counter exemple to what you said. I'm lost! XDDDD

And on the contrary, I believe tht if there was so many good players amoung the wolves, then they wouldn't fear anyone, even if he or she is a good player. =/

DE-VE-LOP ! (please Razz)

Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph Sylph

Now, what you expected all, my little list. Here it is, and enjoy :

Till Gray

BLUE : Seem to be searching, nothin really suspicious (especially Sylph! xD)
GREEN : Didn't talk or didn't give me any feeling.
ORANGE : Somethin did upset me, there has to be a wolf womewhere in between these people
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Barbier mal rasé
Barbier mal rasé

Masculin Date d'inscription : 22/07/2009
Humeur : [tu kite e tɔ̃be amuʁø]

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 20:49

Ongena a écrit:
Of course, the wolves may have killed Maléfique because he's a good player. But he's not the only one ! So why him especially ?
Either you think all the wolves are good players and have killed Maléfique, the only good player who's not a wolf or you have to explain me why Maléfique especially.

So, people (Sylph, Arthur) who think that Malféique has been killed because he's a good player automatically think that all the good players are wolves.

I think Maléfique could have been killed because he voted for Toyoraura (with Christ). It is a way to restrict suspicions to 1 or 2 players (Toyoraura and maybe Christ).

I already said why him especially (it's only my opinion) :

Arthur a écrit:
According to me, Maléfique is dead because of his skills in the game. It could have been influenced by his strange way to act (he didn't write a lot contrary to his habits).

I don't agree with your conclusion : why the "good" players would be werewolves? Maléfique could have represented a danger.

A list for the moment:

Sylph + (I like his messages)
Ongena - (I agree with some accusations, but I think Ongena could have a role we didn't think of for the moment)
Jonya - (just because of her wish to become Chief, otherwise I appreciate her answers)
Fiyatlar +
Morgan // (don't have an opinion for the moment)
Christ -- (a mistery, but is my suspect number one, because of his first reactions of the day)
Toyoraura + (nothing to say, good interventions)
Nxou -- (because of the Chief, and because I don't have a great feeling on his remarks)
Till Gray ?? (didn't speak)
Frage // (don't have an opinion for the moment)

I vote against Christ. It's a shame he didn't talk again today ... Very suspicious to me.
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Idiot Bac+5
Idiot Bac+5

Masculin Date d'inscription : 26/10/2010
Localisation : <3
Humeur : <3

[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" EmptyMar 11 Jan 2011 - 20:52

I'll first vote for Ongena.

I hope it'll make it and give us some clues !
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[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" [Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia" Empty

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[Day 1] "We have never been at war with Eurasia"

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